Marker’s La Jetée
Lisbon, 27-28 November
Universidade Nova
de Lisboa
Faculty of Social
and Human Sciences
Call for papers deadline:
30 September
Fifty years have passed since Chris Marker’s
“La Jetée” (1962) release blurred the frontiers between photography and film.
This anniversary will be the occasion to promote a two-day forum of debate on photography and film’s mutual influence, as well as on
the prevailing themes brought about by Chris Marker’s work (memory and image,
trauma, image and narrative). Theorizing photography and film (ontology,
history) has been a core issue since digital revolution and scholars have, in
recent years, produced a substantial and fascinating criticism on the relation
between the two media (e.g. Doane, Raymond Bellour, Rancière, Laura Mulvey,
James Elkins gave significant contributions to this debate).
This conference
aims to foster new debates on these media ontology. Possible subjects include:
Chris Marker’s “La Jetée”
Differentiating ontologies of film and photography
. Relating
ontologies of film and photography
. Memory, film
and photography
. Image and
. Similarities
in photography and film genre
. Photography,
film and dream
. The role of
sound track in cinema
. Visions of
. Science
Please submit a
300 words abstract to the adresses given above, as well as a brief bio, by
September 30th. Panelists will be informed by October 15th, whether they have been
accepted or rejected. If accepted a deadline to make an inscription and pay the
conference fee (45 Euros) will be set.
The conference is beeing promoted by
Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Linguagens (CECL) and Instituto de História
de Arte (IHA) and will be held at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de
Ciências Sociais e Humanas.
Please send
your proposal, by email, to:
Margarida Medeiros
Teresa Mendes Flores
Joana Cunha Leal
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